What are the concerns of pregnancy and delivery outcomes of COVID 19 Vaccination for IVF?

According to CDC data, about 95% of COVID 19 infections are either no symptom or minor symptoms. According to National Institute of Health director, the delivery is normal with no/minor symptoms cases. It means both baby and mother are okay and normal. The remained about 5% severe symptom cases are at risk. The risk not only goes to mother but also to the baby. The mother usually gets more serious sickness than those not pregnant, i.e. high blood pressure, preeclampsia, death. For the baby, the pregnancy may end up with, i.e., pre-term delivery, low birth weight, abortion . . .etc. There’s no clear specific criteria about who will have no symptom and who will get severe consequences. The only way is to avoid the infection of COVID 19. To have immunization with COVID 19 is the only way to avoid infection. According with CDC and FDA limited data, it shows immunization during pregnancy does not create serious side effects.

In summary, to have COVID 19 immunization get more potential benefit and less infection risk. The limited data recommend to seeking pregnancy after COVID 19 immunization or after COVID 19 pandemic is over.

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IUI – Intrauterine Insemination

ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

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