How is infertility evaluated?
Many people come to us an ask this questions. It may seem like a difficult question to answer, but we have compiled for you the basic criteria we use to evaluate infertility.
The workup can be completed in one to two months depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle.
1. Semen analysis
1. A test of ovulation—serum progesterone on day 22 of menstrual cycle.
2. Vaginal probe ultrasound to evaluate the uterus and ovaries. The number of small follicle 2-9 mm are counted to estimate ovarian reserve. Performed around day 3 of the menstrual cycle.
3. A test of tubal function
- HSG—hysterosalpingogram. An x-ray of tubes and uterus to make sure the fallopian tubes are open and the uterus is open. Performed in radiology, after menses and before ovulation.
- Laparoscopy—minor outpatient procedure. The tubes, uterus and ovaries are examined visually, and the tubes are evaluated to make sure they are open. Scar tissue or adhesions and endometriosis can be diagnosed at the time of laparoscopy. Performed after menses and before ovulation.
- femVue—an ultrasound evaluation of tubal patency. Air bubbles are instilled in the uterus and observed to see if they exit the tubes. Performed after menses and before ovulation.
4. Ovarian Reserve—in patients over 35 to 40 years old
5. Blood tests–Day 3 FSH and estradiol, and AMH on any day of the menstrual cycle.
6. AFC (Antral follicle count)—the number of follicles between 2 and 9 mm measured during the vaginal ultrasound exam.
- femVue—an ultrasound evaluation of tubal patency. Air bubbles are instilled in the uterus and observed to see if they exit the tubes. Performed after menses and before ovulation.